Sculpt January 2020 - Day 6 - Darkness

Prompt for this day was "Darkness". I chose something a bit more literal, and fun because it's (to my knowledge) not been done before!

There is the moment right at the beginning of Heart of Darkness (the PS1 Game) where one of the monsters tries to creep slowly at you. The game overall is very dark (considering it is rated E), and this moment has always stood out to me. The challenging part was that there isn't a single actual render of these guys - the game has some for the winged enemies, but they look overall different from how the ground ones look.

I chose to stick to a tar, slime kinda texture for them both because it'd be fun to do and also because it makes sense given how they attack you.

Definitely one of my favorites so far!

Heeeee's gonna GETCHYA

Heeeee's gonna GETCHYA