[7 Days to Die] Twitchcon 2022 Booth

7 Days to Die went to Twitch Con 2022 to showcase the Twitch Extension, and I was tasked with providing print, booth, merchandise, and stream design! I also was one of the people attending the booth (alongside team members Lathan, Zack, and Desiree) and talking about 7 Days to Die!

This was a blast to setup, and I'm very proud of how it all came together.

Initial 3D concept of the booth's design. I used Blender's built in scale measurements to get the rough idea of how large pre-purchased booth elements would be.

Initial 3D concept of the booth's design. I used Blender's built in scale measurements to get the rough idea of how large pre-purchased booth elements would be.

The Brochure design I prepared for the event, meant to showcase the new features coming to the Twitch Extension.

The Brochure design I prepared for the event, meant to showcase the new features coming to the Twitch Extension.

Photographs of the setup of the booth. We went without the "assembled rubble" look in the initial concept and leaned into foliage instead. I personally decorated the booth, and helped run it during the event.

Photographs of the setup of the booth. We went without the "assembled rubble" look in the initial concept and leaned into foliage instead. I personally decorated the booth, and helped run it during the event.

Additional photos of entire booth setup, with posters detailing the events we were running.

Additional photos of entire booth setup, with posters detailing the events we were running.

This table was setup with the event-specific merchandise and brochures we were giving away to attendees. I worked with a local printing company to produce the tablecloth and brochures, as well as the printed posters.

This table was setup with the event-specific merchandise and brochures we were giving away to attendees. I worked with a local printing company to produce the tablecloth and brochures, as well as the printed posters.

The posters would end up falling several times, so we eventually moved them to the TV area. The TV was meant to display streamers using the extension on the latest build.

The posters would end up falling several times, so we eventually moved them to the TV area. The TV was meant to display streamers using the extension on the latest build.

Some misc social media packages I created for the event.

Some misc social media packages I created for the event.