Artstation Website (+ Personal Branding)
or (Domain transfer pending)

I'm not a website designer by trade, but I've always found that it never hurts to know enough about a subject to use the tools if you need them. Previously, I designed my old personal website in my college web design course, and made some minor modifications when I moved. However, handling a website manually can be a huge pain in the ass if you only know the bare minimum of front-end, which is my situation. You can see a full breakdown of my problems and reasons for moving to ArtStation on the related blog post:

To be honest, while there are definitely some things I'd improve, I have nothing but praise for the website editor for Artstation, which drastically simplifies the process. Anyone can do the simple :hover and mix-blend-mode changes I've made, it just requires some patience.

Note: I also need to verify it looks the same on all platforms/browsers, but I don't have access to a Mac. Will need to look into that soon.

Branding: My original logo was designed when I was in College and I had no idea how I wanted to represent myself. I'm still not 100% sure that I like this, but I think the concept is interesting and goes well with the things I'm interested in.

Branding: My original logo was designed when I was in College and I had no idea how I wanted to represent myself. I'm still not 100% sure that I like this, but I think the concept is interesting and goes well with the things I'm interested in.

:hover and mix-media-mode, combined with transition timing, improves the look of the default Artstation Theme. Responsive design is key in web browsing.

:hover and mix-media-mode, combined with transition timing, improves the look of the default Artstation Theme. Responsive design is key in web browsing.

I followed through and made the rest of my portfolio match. I like the feeling of "discovery" when you hover over elements, which makes the concept of browsing the page more interesting.

I followed through and made the rest of my portfolio match. I like the feeling of "discovery" when you hover over elements, which makes the concept of browsing the page more interesting.

The default resume button is way too easy to miss. Most hiring managers I've ever talked to express hated for having to search for a resume pdf.

The default resume button is way too easy to miss. Most hiring managers I've ever talked to express hated for having to search for a resume pdf.