Environmental Design - Tabletop Toolkit Showcase

Assignment was part of Enviornmental Design class, and was intended to be a means of presenting a company's packaging.

I chose Tabletop Toolkit, a packaging concept I had created previously. My idea was to invoke the feeling of "elemental doors", as if each package was a unique doorway to an entire biome. I used a mixture of tabletop crafting concepts and photoshop-painted backdrops to create scenes with both printed and physical elements.

Fire's scenary was created by tumbling gravel in a brown paint and then using wood glue and putty to place the pieces. Earth's scenary was created with adhesive moss. Ice's scenary was a mixture of flour, salt, sugar and styrofoam painted white with a spray bottle of light paint water. Finally, Magic was done using Pink Insulation foam that I textured using a rolled up piece of tinfoil. Then, using an exacto knife, I cut a brick pattern into the foam and painted it using dry brush techniques.

Magic - Cobblestone/Dungeon

Magic - Cobblestone/Dungeon

Fire - Wartorn Landscape

Fire - Wartorn Landscape

Nature - Dense Forest

Nature - Dense Forest

Ice - Snowfilled Hills

Ice - Snowfilled Hills